One of the main fareways to get around campus. These symbols were donated awhile back to represent all the entities who work together to make the school run like the parents, teachers, administrators, community, etc.
Here's the front of my classroom. It looks more like a classroom now that I've been putting up beautiful bulletin boards.
This is the side view of my classroom. As you can see, the fresh air will be abundant.
This is the back of my classroom.
This is the side view of my classroom. As you can see, the fresh air will be abundant.
This is the back of my classroom.
So much for being called Carolyn--can you tell them to change your name-plate? :) Your classroom looks awesome! It looks really big in the picture, is it? Can you imagine how cool it will be to teach on a stormy day?!
Keep the posts coming, Car. The school looks beautiful! And get well soon :)
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